Friday, January 8, 2010

I dont understand guys! I need some advice and help!!!?

So me and this guy have been friends for quite some time. He always makes me smile and we have tons of fun together. We met in high school and he had a girlfriend. He would call me his #1 secret lover. They broke up after we graduated but were still friends. We hung out together and she gave me the dirtiest looks. I asked him why and he said she was jealous. I had to go back to school out of state and we texted but not to much. I came home and we went camping together. We had tons of fun and he flirted with me the whole time. He was very touchy feely and held my hand and all that. Well on the trip we started talking about this girl we both know. He said they went on a date and it was pretty much the date from hell. She treated him like crap and he wasn't happy with her at all. So I thought she was out of the picture. We get home and about a day later he is in a relationship. I was so mad! we had plans a few nights later and he already knew I knew he was in a relationship but I didn't know for sure who it was. I asked him what was new and all he would talk about is his new phone. I said aren't you dating her? He said yes. I called him an idiot and he didn't understand why I was so upset. He said they talked about it and she said sorry for the date. He told me he was glad I cared so much about him and that if he wasn't happy he would end it. That night he kept flirting with me!!! We went to my place to watch a movie and he put his head on my lap!! I don't understand how he is dating someone else when hes acting like this to me? Does he like me? It sure has heck seems like it? I need answers!!! Please help!I dont understand guys! I need some advice and help!!!?
Honestly it sounds like he is using you. You will always be that ';other woman'; in his life. He is using you as a crutch or a back-up plan in-case he happens to be lonely at that time. If he was really into you then he would be with you and try to date this other woman. He send you signals that he likes you because he knows if he does that then in a way you will be his and not pursue other relationships. It is almost like he doesn't want you but doesn't want you to find anyone else. I would run...don't even think twice about ever getting into a relationship with him. Sorry :(I dont understand guys! I need some advice and help!!!?
He's jerking you around, for sure!!

Get Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. You'll have all your answers!!!
Tell him he's a jerk and a cheater that'll do it! (slap him)

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