Sunday, December 27, 2009

GUYS!! I need your advice!!?

Hey ima 15 year old girl in high school and theres this guy ive been liking for 6 months. hes 18 and he was the first guy to give me attention, ask me out to the movies, first guy to ever tell me i was pretty and he was my first kiss. When i asked him if he wanted to be with me he said no. I really really like him still and i duno. I would sometimes give him kisses on the cheek when i said bye to make him feel special because to me he was. I would always give him attention.Sometimes i would talk to him in the halls or hang out with him at lunch but only like 2 times. I would sometimes go to some of his bball games but i was always really shy and nervous around him because after he rejected me i started to get really self concious and shy.

The last month of school for some reason he started to avoid me around school. I dont know why. We dont even talk anymore.

From a guys perspective do you think i did something wrong? Was i being too clingy or annoying? I dont get why this happened. It kills me everyday. I blame myself everyday, and cryGUYS!! I need your advice!!?
You did nothing wrong. What probably happened is someone reminded him that he can go to jail for kissing or dating you. That, and the fact that you'll still be in high school when he goes to college with older, more developed girl from around the country..GUYS!! I need your advice!!?
Guys are like trains, there will be another one in a few minutes.
he said he didnt want to be with you, what else u need to know?

sorry i'm not a guy but couldnt resist to answer
what my friend(who was a girl) did was she asked if she could talk, and then she asked me why i was avoiding her and i said my friends were telling me rumors, so i said are all these things true and she said none of them..... so just ask to talk with him.

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