during mah early teenage years i used to chase girls, ( besides her), for worthless reasons, now when i shifted to new zealand for mah higher education, i long to see her and be with her, the other day i was just talking randomly to my friend and i did not even notice that i was talking about her for about 15 times!!!!
my friend told me that you like her. i dismissed his statement claiming that it was rubbish.
but now that i am 18 and finally becoming a bit more responsible , then i realized that i sort of have this thing for her
she is not the prettiest girl in the world, and is dark and wears specks, but unlike others , she is conserved jolly, and happy within her family,
my question is , is it necessary to be sexually attracted to your partner to love her, and how do i get her to like me??Girls and guys i need your advice?
You ask the question, do you have to be sexually attracted to your partner to love her? Well, there should be some common ground with your partner. If you like her because she is a sweet person and you love being with her, why not. have you seen the couples that are together these days? They love something about their partner and the sexual attraction can blossum, you never know. You love her spirit! Just give her a call.
Have you two kept in touch? Do you have her number? ,Girls and guys i need your advice?
How do you get her to like you? How do you know that she already don't like you but never has told you because she may be scared on how you would react. Well, if you like her and want to ';date'; her, Tell her up front. If you talk about her 15 time's the yeah you are into her. I mean don't jump into it sexually, but take time. Sooner or later, it will happen. Just be up front and honest with her.
Sexual attraction is important. But, as I have learned, it grows through time. Right now you just see that high school view of her. The more you get to know her the more you will see that spirit shine through and you will see her in a different light. Your love will make her attractive. If you have any feelings for her it is worth a try. If nothing ever sparks, you will know that you tried. What could you lose.
And to get her to like you, well there is no way. Sometimes it helps to be straight up with a girl. Or just writing letters is so great. Because you sometimes find yourself letting more out. My husband was a shy guy and I never could figure out if he liked me or not. We started to write letters and love blossomed. And back then he was going through a goofy stage with acne and stuff. But as he grew up in college he grew past all that. Now he is the hottest guy ever and there is no problem with attraction any more. You both are still young so she can still outgrow some of her...unattractive things.
no it is not nessessary. boy you are luky to have her in your life. don't loose her.
she already knows everything about you and vise versa
she is a treasure and i can say you are in love with her
Sounds like love. Don't let her go!
There are such things as makeovers for a persons appearance. Also, contacts do make a big difference. BUT hopefully in this instance you will find as you get older, companionship means a whole lot more than sexual attraction. Us guys are dogs, we will do it with anyone. All it takes is a touch of her hand in the right spot and Mr. Happy will respond. Remember the story of the ugle duckling. I would contact her and tell her how you feel and even ask her on a date and see how things go. Good Luck.
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