^^ all these is something i wud wanna doo but all those with light brown hair %26amp;%26amp; pink pic-a-bo's or pick brief highlights. [ima natural dirty blonde]Hey this is for guys %26amp; girls. I need advice about me?
A size 7/8 is perfectly normal. A few of my friends are that size and no one cares. My size is smaller than them but they're heck prettier. Get the haircut of your choice and play it up with make up (if you wear any) and you'll be pretty.
I'd be any size any day as long as I didn't look as ugly as I do. Don't ever feel let down, honey. Cheer up, okay?Hey this is for guys %26amp; girls. I need advice about me?
7 8 or 9 is not exactly fat
Im sure your good looking
and if your into trends, and wanna follow the crowd thats cool
wear that hair style with pride and confidence
To your additional Details about your friends telling you that you are pretty, listen to them. They are right :]
first off you cant be so harsh on yourself,
everyone is different. i say go for what ever makes you feel your best!
btw i like the first pic (:
i like the secound look... it looks like it would fit u better thanks for answering mine...
ur size is perfect
and ur blonde and pink hair is the best
U R just gorgeous
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